Group Sender


You have three methods available to manage group:

  • createGroup($groupName, $devicesToken) to create a group.
  • addToGroup($groupName, $notificationKey, $devicesToken) to add one or more devices to a group.
  • removeFromGroup($groupName, $notificationKey, $devicesToken) to remove one or more devices from a group.


  • $groupName is a string containing the name of the group.
  • $deviceToken can be a string or an array containing devices’s token.
  • $notificationKey is the notification key return by the request.

A successful request returns a notification_key like the following:

   "notification_key": "APA91bGHXQBB...9QgnYOEURwm0I3lmyqzk2TXQ"


use Kerox\FcmGroup;

$fcmGroup = new FcmGroup($apiKey, $senderId);


  • $apiKey is your FCM API key. (required)
  • $senderId is your sender ID. (required)

Creating a group

$notificationKey = $fcmGroup->createGroup('myGroup', $deviceToken);

Adding devices to a group

$notificationKey = $fcmGroup->addToGroup('myGroup', $notificationKey, $deviceToken)

Removing devices from a group

$notificationKey = $fcmGroup->removeFromGroup('myGroup', $notificationKey, $deviceToken)

For more details on group in Firebase, refer to the Firebase documentation