Basic Examples

Downstream message

Sending a downstream message from arrays.

use Kerox\Fcm;

// Create a downstream message from arrays
$fcm = new Fcm('YOUR_FCM_API_KEY');
        'title' => 'Hello World',
        'body' => 'My awesome Hello World!'
        'data-1' => 'Lorem ipsum',
        'data-2' => 1234,
        'data-3' => true
        'dry_run' => true

// Send the message and get the response
$response = $fcm->sendTo(['1', '2', '3', '4']);

Topic message

Sending a topic message from arrays.

use Kerox\Fcm;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\TopicBuilder;

$topicBuilder = new TopicBuilder('myTopic');
$topic = $topicBuilder->build();

// Create a downstream message from arrays
$fcm = new Fcm('YOUR_FCM_API_KEY');
        'title' => 'Hello World',
        'body' => 'My awesome Hello World!'
        'data-1' => 'Lorem ipsum',
        'data-2' => 1234,
        'data-3' => true
        'dry_run' => true

// Send the message and get the response
$response = $fcm->sendToTopic($topic);