Advanced Examples

Downstream message

Sending a downstream message using builders.

use Kerox\Fcm\Fcm;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\DataBuilder;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\NotificationBuilder;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\OptionsBuilder;

// Create the notification
$notificationBuilder = new NotificationBuilder('Hello World');
    ->setBody('My awesome Hello World');

// Create the data
$dataBuilder = new DataBuilder();
    ->setData('data-1', 'data-1')
    ->setData('data-2', true)
    ->setData('data-3', 1234);

// Create the options
$optionsBuilder = new OptionsBuilder();
    ->setCollapseKey('Update available')

// Build
$notification = $notificationBuilder->build();
$data = $dataBuilder->build();
$options = $optionsBuilder->build();

$fcm = new Fcm($this->api_key);

$response = $fcm->sendTo(['1', '2', '3', '4']);

Sending a topic message using builders.

use Kerox\Fcm\Fcm;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\DataBuilder;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\NotificationBuilder;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\OptionsBuilder;
use Kerox\Fcm\Message\TopicsBuilder;

// Create topics
$topicBuilder = new TopicBuilder('My first topic');
$topicsBuilder->andTopic(function () {
    return new TopicsBuilder('My second topic')->orTopic('My third topic');

// Create the notification
$notificationBuilder = new NotificationBuilder('Hello World');
    ->setBody('My awesome Hello World');

// Create the data
$dataBuilder = new DataBuilder();
    ->setData('data-1', 'data-1')
    ->setData('data-2', true)
    ->setData('data-3', 1234);

// Create the options
$optionsBuilder = new OptionsBuilder();
    ->setCollapseKey('Update available')

// Build
$notification = $notificationBuilder->build();
$data = $dataBuilder->build();
$options = $optionsBuilder->build();
$topic = $topicBuilder->build();

$fcm = new Fcm($this->api_key);

$response = $fcm->sendToTopic($topic);